Friday, July 18, 2008

India::A Photographers Delight

If you're a photographer and you've never been to India... go! India is full of vibrant colors, rich culture, and beautiful people! I had an amazing time walking and exploring the streets of towns like Jaipur, Udaipur, Puna, Jodphur, and they all have something unique and beautiful to offer. For instance, Jaipur, is the Pink Town, so much of the old Jaipur is painted in pink! Jodphur, on the other hand, is the Blue City, so most of the town's buildings are blue! Its incredible. Here are a few clips from my time in India! If you'd like to see more, don't hesitate to ask! I am always a ham to show my photography!


Anonymous said...

Great photos Paula! We are lucky to live in Bend Oregon.

Unknown said...

beautiful people! did you ask if you could take their pic?