Friday, July 25, 2008

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Sorry to all the mothers of the world, but its a fact that my sisters have made the cutest babies ever !!! Being the proud aunt that I am, I have to post a couple images of my niece and nephew... well, two of them anyway! Ezekial and Hannah!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Engagement Portraits

Anna and Noah are just about the cutest couple around! (besides me and my hubby, of course) I was fortunate to spend a couple hours with them this last Saturday to photograph their engagement pictures. One of the best things about Central Oregon is the beautiful environment to photograph in! We went by the river, brought a few props and outfits, and had a blast! Here are a couple images from the shoot. Enjoy!

Friday, July 18, 2008

India::A Photographers Delight

If you're a photographer and you've never been to India... go! India is full of vibrant colors, rich culture, and beautiful people! I had an amazing time walking and exploring the streets of towns like Jaipur, Udaipur, Puna, Jodphur, and they all have something unique and beautiful to offer. For instance, Jaipur, is the Pink Town, so much of the old Jaipur is painted in pink! Jodphur, on the other hand, is the Blue City, so most of the town's buildings are blue! Its incredible. Here are a few clips from my time in India! If you'd like to see more, don't hesitate to ask! I am always a ham to show my photography!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Architectural Photography

Here are a couple images from past shoots that I have yet to show too! Architecture in Bend, Oregon is far different than what I am used to in California, but great to be able to photograph a wide spectrum of styles!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Food Photography

This image was shot for Bend Living Magazine for the March 2008 issue, but since I've been gone, I didn't have a chance to show it off yet!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Africa Oh Africa

After spending 6 months on a trip
around the world, the last three in Africa, my eyes have been open to the opportunities to help others less fortunate. My husband and I spent those 3 months working in a township called Red Hill, living amongst the Xhosa people. Yes, we lived in a "squatter camp" in a shack, and loved every moment of it... well, almost. We were able to help the people living there rebuild their homes after a huge fire that destroyed all of what meager possessions they had. Our team built 79 homes in 2 short months and witnessed changes in people that last a lifetime. Here are a couple images of the faces I saw on a daily basis. Unforgettable!

Monday, July 14, 2008