Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Well, its officially 12 days before my husband, Nick and I leave for our adventures overseas for 3 months! January 21- April 17! Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, India, South Africa, Mozambique, Argentina, and Cost Rica!
One of the reasons we are going to the 9 different countries we are visiting is, of course, photography! I am so excited to photograph the different sceneries and people groups- and even teach photography in Cambodia! Wow- chance of a lifetime! Another main purpose of the trip is to serve others less fortunate! We are teaming up with multiple different organizations to volunteer our time, services, and help wherever we can! That will include everything from loving and playing with children who have been orphaned in South Africa to volunteering our time and labor to help re-paint an orphanage in Thailand, to just being eager, willing people to serve others ! We couldn't be more excited! Jesus said in Galatians, "the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love" and that's what we intend to do - Show Jesus' love to those who otherwise might not know what it's like to be loved. I will continue posting pictures and stories of our time overseas and hope to be able to stay connected with whoever wishes! Also, if you are interested in booking Paula Watts Photography for assignments, please feel free to email me at and we can discuss bookings for projects in April!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Blacksmith Restaurant

If you haven't been to the "new" and improved Blacksmith Restaurant, I highly recommend checking it out! I had the privilege of photographing the new look and its nothing short of Beautiful! New bar, new lounge, new seating, and new bites on the already fabulous menu by Gavin McMichael. For more info, go to The Blacksmith Restaurant.

A few things to know and breathe...

I would like to start off the New Year by doing a bit of educating... to my fellow photographers, existing clients, as well as potential. I have got to name drop a little first. Photographers, if you are ever interested in learning more about the art of editorial photography- ranging anywhere from how to deal with art directors, contracts, your legal rights, and much more, please visit They have a great website designed just for helping fellow photographers to know their rights and honestly, practice a good business of photography. It is run by very successful editorial photographers, so they can empathize with our blood, sweat, and tears!
Now, I'd like to point you all to a great little blurb they wrote on copyright! It's very simply put, but very important for every photographer to wrap their brains around. Because I can't seem to get the proper link directed on this page, I'm gonna have to tell you where to go. Go to (the website I justed talked about) and on the left column of the page, go to COPYRIGHT. Go the bottom of the page, where it says Additional Research and click Copyright Basics. You'll thank me for it! Take that information and enhance your business by knowing and breathing it! Please!
Happy Shooting in 2008!